If you are interested in volunteering at Reed Memorial Library, please read the documents below for position descriptions and our volunteer code of conduct. If you would like to apply for an adult volunteer position, print and complete an application, return it to our public service desk, or email your completed application to our Adult Services Manager. If you are interested in being a Youth Services/Student Volunteer, please email your application to youthoutreach@reedlibrary.org.
Volunteers in this capacity shelf read materials to help maintain order of library materials.
Adult Volunteer Code of Conduct
Student Volunteers help keep the library running smoothly while learning about the library and earning volunteer hours. There is no definite time period assigned to student volunteers. The number of weeks a volunteer may work is dependent on the student's need and availability.
Student volunteers are ages 12-17, typically work a 2-hour shift (up to twice per week) and perform these duties: