Filing for the 2024 tax year opens January 27, 2025. We will have a limited number of preprinted tax forms and instruction booklets on a first come, first served basis. If you cannot find the form you need, please ask a staff member. We will print it out for you, up to ten pages free of charge. You may also find forms at the IRS website or by calling 1-800-829-3676.
Free E-filing options
Use IRS Free File if your adjusted gross income is $79,000 or less for the 2024 tax year.
If you are comfortable doing your own taxes, try Free File Fillable Forms.
AARP offers tax help in our community. If you would like help filing your taxes, first call the United Way at 330-297-4636 (or dial 211 on a landline). Ask to schedule an appointment with the AARP Tax Service. You will be given an appointment and further instructions.
The state of Ohio is no longer sending tax forms to libraries. If you need forms or a copy of the Ohio instruction booklet, you can view, download or print one from the state of Ohio website. We will have a few circulating copies of the Ohio Instruction booklet that you can check out and return as you would other library material. Ask for one at the Information Desk. If you have questions about Ohio taxes, you may also contact the Department of Taxation at (800) 282-1780.
Effective January 1, 2015 the Regional Income Tax Agency, also known as R.I.T.A., began serving as the agent for administering and collecting Income Tax for the City of Ravenna. RITA provides an easy-to-use electronic filing and payment system that is fast, simple, and secure. Visit the RITA website or call 1-800-860-7482 for information.