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Share your memories of Ravenna and Reed Memorial Library.
Do you have a story to tell? Reference Librarian Kevin Gray will interview you and record your memories using guidelines created by the Smithsonian Institution Archives. We would like to collect as many stories about Ravenna and the library as possible. Interviews will become part of our local history collection. All ages welcome. Interviews will be conducted November 9th, 12th, and 21st, or by appointment. Contact Kevin Gray for more information at 330-296-2827 x 200.
AGE GROUP: | Tweens | Teens | Everyone | Children | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Local History | General |
TAGS: | Senior (60+) | For Everyone | Ages 8 - 10 | Ages 5 - 7 | Ages 3 - 4 | Ages 14 - 18 | Ages 11 - 13 | Adult | 3-5 years |